Series: The Immortals

The Realms of the Gods by Tamora Pierce

The humans have their war but soon Daine and Numair find themselves dragged into another war, that of the gods versus Chaos.  The two wars appear to be connected.  Daine finally gets to really...

Emperor Mage by Tamora Pierce

The book opens with a group of familiar heroes headed to Carthak on a diplomatic mission.  Young Daine is there to help with the Emperor’s sick birds, but her role of course becomes much...

Wolf-Speaker by Tamora Pierce

I think a disturbing amount of my psychology could be traced back to Tamora Pierce, most of it from The Song of the Lioness quartet, but then you come to things like oh my...

Wild Magic by Tamora Pierce

This time you start out outside of Tortall following the tale of Veralidaine Sarrasri, Daine. Alanna is still around, but years have past. Daine is a girl with an affinitity for a bow, and...

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