Browser Alphabet à la Whatever

John Scalzi is an author with a lot of fans but not all of us came to him because we read his books, some came because we fell in love with his blog Whatever where he literally talks about whatever he wants.  Well first I listened to him talk at ALA 2011 said this guy is interesting and looked up the blog.  Though shamefully my signed copy of Fuzzy Nation is still sitting on the shelf.  Recently he did a post titled “For No Especially Good Reason I Put Each Letter of the Alphabet Into My Web Browser and Posted the Link it Autocompleted To”  which got me curious… I haven’t been using Chrome that long and I still use my laptop which is too old for Chrome, so it could be a little funny.

A. Amazon – big surprise though actually I’ve been too poor for books as of late though I did just do a preorder assuming I will be less poor next year.  (Shortly followed by of course.)

B. The Broke and the Bookish – more specifically their Top Ten Tuesday and other features page because they inspired me to start talking.

C. Codecademy – I’ve been slacking off since I finished the parts I really wanted to help me on the side but definitely a fun way to learn, though some lessons are frustrating.

D. Dropbox – I don’t rely on it as much as I did as a student but I still use it to have access to stories and resumes no matter where I might be and it is great for collaboration!

E. Elon University – Don’t work here, but it is supposed to be a great place to work and with looming unemployment I check a lot of the universities in the area.

F. Facebook – I don’t spend as much time there as I used to, everyone gave up on me playing in Words with Friends but really where else would i go with an F?

G. Goodreads – I suppose as a book blogger this is a very appropriate G.  I remember when I first started keeping track of my reading I considered Goodreads but it drove me bonkers.  Now I’m impressed.

H. HootSuite – I am terrible at social media.  Using Hootsuite definitely helps.  I don’t forget to talk to all the sites.  I even schedule post announcements for a little while after the post so I don’t get distracted.

I. IMDB – I am that person that every time we watch something I sit there going where do I know that person from.  Ooo I like him what else has he been in?  What was the name of that movie?

J. Jimmy John’s – What can I say when I’m hungry and tired and don’t want to cook or leave the house a sandwich that gets here in under 10 minutes is fantastic.

K. Facebook then The Kansas City Star – I apparently don’t use K very often and might have been terrified the other day by a candidate named Jack Wu in Kansas City.

L. ListHub – Apparently I need to stop looking at houses in the neighborhood because this came up before LinkedIn.

M. – Like I said looming unemployment, though I actually feel more unqualified for most things listed here then I do things listed on University pages.

N. Netflix – Just finished Season 6 of Supernatural and started Warehouse 13.  We watched Sherlock Season 2 in one sitting.  We don’t watch TV when it is on TV.

O. OWL Purdue – aka Purdue Online Writing Lab, aka you know you are a nerd with an MLIS when.  My go to source for citations.  One semester I was using 3 different styles.  I can’t do any of them without the OWL.

P. Pinterest – Yep, I am one of those addicts with wedding ideas stashed even though we might just be that crazy couple that never ties the knot.  I actually get more excited about the home ideas.

Q. Hulu – How is that a q, because it goes to the link for my queue.  Current addictions: Castle, Bones, White Collar.

R. REI – Ben probably looks it more than I do but we are die hard REI fans.  If you told me I had to pick one place to clothes shop for the rest of my life it would be REI.

S. – Yes I am that much of a nerd.  Free key for Borderlands 2!

T. Twitter – I still find the real thing easier when wanting to look at the previous tweets of a specific person.

U. UNCG – I went there for four years for Undergrad, three years for Grad and now I work there.  No surprises on this one.

V. Valentina – one of my more recent design fascinations.  I love really intricate art and she definitely fits the bill.  I first saw it as shower curtains and comforters which was a little odd but it caught my eye.

W. Wells Fargo – Uh oh now you know where I bank.  Ironically it worked well when I first kept forgetting that it had switched from Wachovia.

X. Xbox – I totally should have seen that coming!  I don’t spend that much time on the site, more on the device, but there aren’t exactly many x’s out there.

Y. Yarny – I’ve been doing a lot of my recent writing here.  I like being able to organize snippets and not only access but edit it easily from anywhere.  No downloading and uploading just log in and go!

Z. Zillow – Yep and we’re back to my house obsession.  I’m a long way off from buying but I still find it fun to get to peak in houses for sale in the neighborhood and know what they’re going for.

This is a good enough portrait of me that I find it kind of disturbing.  There will only a couple surprises but after I saw them I just kind of had to shrug and say yep that makes sense.  Biggest surprise in the end was that S was not Si Scott.  I have been doing some heavy drooling recently.  I think the style lends itself well to elegant tattoos.

So did anything surprise you?

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